Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Handsome or what?

I have just added a page on my new website dedicated to my lovely customers and their handsome dogs.
I've called it a Hall of Fame but maybe it's a Rogue's Gallery.  
I just love it when people send me pictures of their dogs!......

Monday, 24 February 2014

Sunday, 16 February 2014

a throwback....

What better way to spend a few hundred years than with your little dog curled under your feet? This is the faithful dog of Sir Richard Pembridge, Knight of the Garter and veteran of the Battles of Crécy and Poitiers in the Hundred Years War. He died in 1375 and this is his tomb in Hereford Cathedral. His canine guardian despite being 14th century, looks a little like a bull terrier. The carving on his nose is worn smooth from the affectionate pats of passing admirers across the centuries....

Thursday, 6 February 2014


It's just this sort of propensity to sit in unusual places (whether or not a photographer is present) that attracted me to this vintage photo. I was thinking of much the same thing when I positioned my bull terrier precariously on a stool beside the parrot. There is something of the circus elephant about it.....
That aside, it seems to me that unlike most other animals caught by the camera, dogs are usually posing......

Tuesday, 4 February 2014